Description (also can be classified as a browser hijacker virus which is able to disturb users' online activities. This redirect web site has annoyed millions of users all over the world, according to complaints from users. Usually speaking, it is bundled with free programs on the Internet and is installed to the browsers when users download or update programs from the Internet. Other distribution way can be unsafe web sites or spam email attachments. In a word, users have to be careful when browsing the Internet to prevent browser hijacker virus coming to the compromised computer. ( drops malicious files and registry entries to the target computer once infected. It also takes place the homepages to this annoying sites. Sometimes users' searching results are redirected, too. Users also complain that new tabs keep opening automatically and jump to this site or other unfamiliar site. In fact, all the browsers installed in the computer can be affected. The reason why it can take over the browsers is that it install malicious toolbar to the browsers. It also reviews the searching histories and cookies of users to get sensitive data such as bank account, credit card number or email passwords. In this way, users' privacy may be revealed to hackers or designers of this web site. Users are recommended to remove ( as soon as possible if your computer is infected with this annoying browser hijacker virus.
Properties of ( Browser Hijacker Virus
1. ( sneaks into users' browsers and cannot be stopped once infected;2. ( takes over users' browsers and disturbs users' online activities;
3. ( installs malicious toolbar to the browsers;
4. ( drops infected files and registry entries to the target computer;
5. ( catch users' private information.
How Can I Get Rid of ( - Removal Guide
To manually get rid of virus, it’s to end processes, unregister DLL files, search and uninstall all other files and registry entries. Follow the removal guide below to start.1: Stop running processes in Windows Task Manager first.
( Methods to open Task Manager: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or Press the Start button->click on the Run option->Type in taskmgr and press OK.)
3: Go to the Registry Editor and remove all registry entries listed here:
(Steps: Hit Win+R keys and then type regedit in Run box to search)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\5ATIUYW62OUOMNBX256 “(Default)”=”1?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\“UninstallString” = “‘%AppData%\[RANDOM]\[RANDOM].exe” -u
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\“ShortcutPath” = “‘C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\5ATIUYW62OUOMNBX256.exe” -u’”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “5ATIUYW62OUOMNBX256” = “‘C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RANDOM.exe’
4: All associated files listed below need to be removed:
5: Clear your internet history records, internet temp files and cookies.
Note: be careful when you deal with those files and registry entries, because if you remove the files or registry keys mistakenly, your computer may be damaged further. If you need help from experts, you are welcome to contact professional experts 24/7 online to get help.
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